for course instructors
in general university sports AHS in Koblenz

The AHS in Koblenz sees itself as respectful, tolerant and fair, and I am aware that I have a very special responsibility in my role as a course instructor. As part of this

  • I respect the right to physical integrity and do not use any form of violence – whether physical, psychological or sexual. If my supervised sport involves a degree of sport-specific physicality,
    I enforce the sport-specific rules of fair play and ensure that I treat each other with respect.

  • I am aware that my behavior can have a different effect on the other person than intended.
    I therefore respect and honor individual feelings about closeness and distance, privacy and personal boundaries of shame. I adapt my behavior accordingly and behave sensitively and self- critically as well as openly and willingly.

  • I take an active stand against verbal or non-verbal violence, discrimination, racism, sexism and inhuman behavior (this includes, for example, sexually suggestive remarks, derogatory or offensive comments and inappropriate & unwanted physical contact).

  • I support the non-discriminatory participation of all people regardless of gender, age, sexual orientation & identity, religion and origin.

  • I cultivate open and respectful interaction with others as part of my university sports activities. I exemplify respectful behavior and consideration for other people and nature within the world of active sport.

  • I handle participants‘ personal data sensitively, i.e. I check the extent to which I am subject to the duty of confidentiality in this respect before any disclosure and, if necessary, obtain the consent of the person concerned.

  • I support a comprehensive and open-ended examination when investigating assaults or discrimi-natory behavior and listen impartially to all parties involved.

  • I seek professional support and assistance in cases of discrimination, threats, insults and in cases of conflict and am aware of the possibility of contacting the relevant contact persons in the event of uncertainties, questions and/or incidents. The protection of the person(s) concerned is the top priority and the best possible action should be taken in accordance with their wishes.

  • I hereby submit the „extended certificate of good conduct“ to University Sports on request as part of my activities in the area of children and youth (family sports programs).